Our bunnies love to eat flowers! They are a great treat and can be sprinkled over hay to make it a bit more interesting and tasty. Here’s a list of flowers you can offer your rabbits in addition to their regular diet. Please keep in mind that potted or cut plants bought in most stores (including…
House Rabbits – How Much Does A Bunny Cost?
Every new family member, be it furry or not, will increase the monthly expenses of the household. Before getting any pet it is a good idea to do the math and figure out if you can afford to support it. Here’s what our 2 bunnies cost, so you get an idea what to expect if…
Rabbit Hay Racks – What are the Options?
Hay is the number one thing in a house rabbit’s diet (unless their human has a giant meadow full of fresh grass, which should be rare). Since hay plays such an important part in a rabbit’s life, it’s crucial to find hay racks or other solutions that help keep the hay dry and clean. The…
Litter Box Set-Up for Rabbits – What are the Choices?
There are many different kinds of litter boxes and bedding options out there that are suitable for rabbits, but (as with everything else that goes on in our households) our rabbit will ultimately decide which one is best. Here is a list of the most common ones out there and their pros and cons. If…
Making a Rabbit Fort/Cage/Playpen out of PVC Pipe
As you may know, Bunny doesn’t have a cage and probably won’t ever have one again. However, we are going on vacation soon and our good friend is going to take care of Bunny while we are away. She has a small dog that will be with her at times and while Bunny and the…
No More Pellets – An Introduction
When we first adopted Bunny, he was a little over a year old and on a high pellet, hay, and low vegetable diet. After a bunch of research and several discussions, we decided to slowly introduce more vegetables and ultimately get rid of pellets. After all, they are processed and no rabbit would naturally have…
How to Clean your Rabbit
How do you clean a soiled rabbit? Most of the time, the rabbit will take care of all the cleaning itself and you shouldn’t interfere. However, for the safety of your bun there are times when you have to. Every one of us with pet rabbits has probably witnessed runny or soft stool that got…
Training Bunny to use the Litter Box
Rabbits are very clean animals that will use a litter box when trained. Unfortunately, our little Bunny was not at all litter box trained when we first got him. Just the opposite, really. He marked his territory aggressively and we had to run after him with a vacuum cleaner almost constantly to keep the house in an…
Rabbit Diet 101 – An Overview
Even though wild rabbits and our domestic pet rabbits look different, their digestive system is still very much alike. This means that the ideal and most healthy diet for our little pets should be similar to what wild rabbits intuitively pick out for themselves. That being said, it is not always possible for people to…
List of Fresh Food
If your rabbit’s diet mainly consists of hay and pellets, then certain precautions have to be taken when you choose your pet’s daily vegetables. Below you can find a list of common fresh foods along with the suggested feeding frequency. If your rabbit mainly eats fresh grass, then the items listed under “occasionally” may be…