Miss Bailey had a busy morning! I packed her favorite blanket, some hay, and a special mini-salad and dropped her off at the vet’s office. They had noticed a few pointy teeth during Bailey’s check-up in December and recommended filing them to avoid issues in the future. The procedure would be minor and take no…
How to Bunny-Proof Your House – Part II
Bunny-proofing a room or the entire house helps keep those curious little rabbits in good health. Plus, it might save you a bit of money in the long run. Replacement cables and new pieces of furniture are expensive! Bunny-Proof Carpet: Before you attempt anything else, does your bun only chew/dig one particular spot? If so, see if…
How to Bunny-Proof Your House – Part I
Bunny-proofing a room or the entire house helps keep those curious little rabbits in good health. Plus, it might save you a bit of money in the long run. Replacement cables and new pieces of furniture are expensive! While chewing and digging are instinctive behaviors that can’t completely be eliminated, rabbits that are spayed/neutered may be…
Where do Rabbits Sleep? – Bunny Beds
We already have an article on rabbit furniture, but beds are important enough to deserve extra attention. There are many options out there and the right one depends on each rabbit and its living arrangements. Whether a rabbit is free range like ours or in an enclosure, a bed plus hidey house will make your bun feel…
Winter Bunnies – How to Protect Rabbits from the Cold
As you probably know, our bunnies live indoors all year round. While they do enjoy being outside and grazing on grass, clover, and dandelions, they are indoor rabbits through and through. However, there are rabbits that are much happier outdoors where they can chew tree bark or dig holes into the ground. We actually fostered a…
Rabbits and Children – Should I Get My Child a Bunny?
Around this time of the year many children wish for a pet rabbit and who can blame them? The problem is, most of the time they don’t truly want a rabbit, they want what the media tells them a rabbit is. The media, especially around Easter, tells us that rabbits are tiny, cute, and fluffy….
Convincing Rabbits to Take Medication
Sometimes our sweet little bunnies get sick and we need to give them medication that could come in various shapes and forms. This is not always an easy task, as rabbits often vehemently refuse to do so. Here are a few tips and tricks that may help you and keep everyone’s stress level down. The number…
Hotel Stays and Sleepovers – Traveling with Rabbits
Any time we remove our rabbits from their home and take them to a new environment, it causes stress. The rabbit doesn’t know if the new place is safe, it doesn’t have a properly marked territory any more, and the regular routines rabbits love so much are disturbed. That being said, sometimes we have to take…
Water Bowl and Bottle Options for Rabbits
In addition to hay, rabbits should have a supply of fresh water within their reach at all times. Even rabbits that get most of their fluids through fresh vegetables and don’t drink a whole lot (like ours) need to always have access to water. Keeping a rabbit well hydrated helps maintain their overall health. Water…