List of Fresh Food

If your rabbit’s diet mainly consists of hay and pellets, then certain precautions have to be taken when you choose your pet’s daily vegetables. Below you can find a list of common fresh foods along with the suggested feeding frequency. If your rabbit mainly eats fresh grass, then the items listed under “occasionally” may be…

Future Product: Wild Grass and Herb Mix

While Bunny gets fresh vegetables twice a day and is allowed to go outside and snack on the mint, parsley, and basil we planted for him on the small stretch of ground that isn’t covered by cement, we often thought how nice it would be to offer him an area with grass as well. After…

Neutering Bunny

A few months ago we made the decision to get our male rabbit, Bunny, neutered. He was around 17 months old then. To be quite honest with you, I never thought I would agree to such a procedure. After all, it is quite unnatural and the animal has to go through unnecessary surgery as well…

Meet Bunny

Since Bunny will be the one approving our current and future products, let me tell you a little bit about him: He is a 2-year-old neutered male Holland Lop my fiance and I adopted at the beginning of the year. He’s run the household ever since. Bunny is the most innocent, friendly, and sweet creature…